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Accreditation and quality

The Education Centre DURBE has more than 19 years experience in the international language tourism. The EC DURBE was the first private language school in Latvia accredited by the Ministry of Education and Science of Latvia. To be accredited member of such international organisation as EAQUALS allows us to be up- to -date with the latest field trends and guarantees the highest possible quality. In 2015 our efforts in providing the high-quality services were again confirmed by the Eaquals reaccreditation. The independent inspection thoroughly checked all our services and awarded us with the second accreditation - now until the year 2019.

Language course offered at EC Durbe are linked to the Council of Europe’s Common European Framework which is a part of their policy to promote foreign language learning, cultural contacts and understanding between the people of Europe. The Common European Framework helps teachers to plan their teaching and to match their students’ progress and level to a Europe – Wide system Descriptions of different language levels are phrased in the terms of ”can do” statements, saying what students can do at each level.

Objectives: to promote students' language development through all four language domains: reading, writing, speaking and listening, to develop and enrich their vocabulary,  grammatical and language structures.

Angļu valodas akreditācijas lapa
Angļu valodas akreditācijas lapa
Angļu valodas akreditācijas lapa
Biznesa Angļu valodas akreditācijas lapa
Krievu valodas akreditācijas lapa
Krievu valodas akreditācijas lapa
Spāņu valodas akreditācijas lapa
Arābu valoda akreditācijas lapa
Dāņu valodas akreditācijas lapa
Franču valodas akreditācijas lapa
Franču valodas akreditācijas lapa
Latviešu valodas akreditācijas lapa
Latviešu valodas akreditācijas lapa
Latviešu valodas akreditācijas lapa
Latviešu valodas akreditācijas lapa
Vācu valodas akreditācijas lapa
Vācu valodas akreditācijas lapa

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