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Evening Russian in mini groups

Education centre Durbe’s more than 20 years old experience, prestigious Eaquals and Ministry’s of Education and Science of Latvia accreditations guarantee the highest possible quality and efficiency of teaching.

During these Russian language courses you will be able to develop your reading, listening, speaking and writing skills, as well as to consolidate your grammar knowledge. Due to the high intensity of the learning process and individual approach of teachers, the studies in mini groups will allow you very quickly to achieve the desired results.

As a part of the EC Durbe’s teaching system teachers use the communicative approach, providing the most effective language training, especially in terms of the development of communication skills. You will be able to communicate in the target language from the very first lesson and will significantly enrich your vocabulary.

To learn more and read our students' feedback visit this page.


Length of the course: 8 weeks, 32 academic hours
Regularity: 2 academic hours 2 times a week (Monday and Wednesday OR Tuesday and Thursday)  from 18.10 to 19.40
Level of knowledge: A1-B1
Number of participants: 4-7
Price: 199 EUR. 

15% price discount for ISIC / ITIC card holders!

Russian language studies in EC Durbe will bring you not only new knowledge and confidence in your language skills but also pleasant memories about the learning process! The relaxed and friendly atmosphere in school and professionalism of our teachers has always been highly appreciated by our students.

For the additional information please write to pasts@durbe.edu.lv or call 67844442.

See the course starting dates here!


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